We invite you to consider becoming a member of our women’s service organization. Through Soroptimist membership, you will have the opportunity to realize personal fulfillment by blending your service concerns with social and business interests. You can be the best by achieving your full potential.
Soroptimists are truly women at their best: professional and executive women of all ages, career stages, cultures and ethnic groups who are known leaders in their fields.
Membership provides numerous benefits, including:
- Direct involvement in local, national and international service projects.
- Professional growth and leadership development.
- Networking for business as well as social interaction.
- Heightened awareness and appreciation of cultures throughout the world.
- Unity and purpose through working with others to achieve common goals.
- Pride in knowing membership contributes to and upholds the ideals of world peace and harmony.
- Feelings of usefulness, well-being and accomplishment achieved through participation in projects addressing the needs of women.
- The Best for Women magazine, covering topics of importance to efforts to make a difference for women and highlighting club activities from around the world.
If you are interested in joining, please contact our membership chair at membership@kcsoroptimist.org or our president at president@kcsoroptimist.org.